hi guys! korang tahu tak..pensil eyeliner adalah yang terpaling senang nak apply di mata..tambahan kalau pensil tu sangat lembut dan creamy..sejak kenal pensil eyeliner dari miss hana..fyna langsung dah tak guna any eyeliner untuk customer fyna..sebab apa? sebab pensil ni lebih cantik and pekat warnanya
alhamdlilah baru2 ni natta cosme berikan fyna pensil eyeliner dari miss hana...yang paling best bila diorang send 4 warna terus! waaaahhhh sangat2 excited..
so nak tahu kenapa fyna betul2 jatuh cinta dengan eyeliner ni? ok jom baca review fyna
[ Description ]
Miss Hana Waterproof Eyeliner Pen, it's based on waterproof, oil, concentrated color three demands:
■ Extreme color, beyond the shortcomings of poor market Eyeliner Pen hair color, evenly colored and achieve color full excellent natural lines to create three-dimensional deep eyes!
■ Gelatinous texture characteristics of the ◎ plastic pen type, stroke smooth, the texture of moderate hardness, ductility, pen design easy to use easy to draw. Perfect to fill the liner at the accurate fast draw a variety of eye type, make the eyes more attractive.
■ Extremely waterproof removable --- a long time anti-sweat, anti-tears, oil, and maintain a whole day without smudges. Even dim Dan atheistic eyes can easily outline the eagle electric eye or deep cat eye makeup, can easily have, and become the focus of public attention!
[ Packing ]
[ Color ]
01 Night Black
02 Galacy Black
03 Choco Brown
04 Golden Brown
[ Note ]
■ To maintain the quality of the product, to avoid placing at extremely high temperatures, extremely low temperatures and direct sunlight.
■ Please keep out of reach of children.
■ Do not use if wounds or abnormalities. During use/ after use, skin appears flushed, abnormal swelling, itching or pain, stop using it immediately and consult a physician.
■ Please do a skin test stimulation before use.
ini terpaling fav lah..kalau pengantin..WAJIB guna eyeliner ni..sebab warna hitam pekat so akan nampak cantik sangat2
pekat dan cantik and the best part is ianya ada macam glitter sikit..but tak over
untuk soft look..ini sangat sesuai..
tak sangka warna golden brown ni terang! love it! ada sikit glitter so no need any eyeshadow dah..ini saja dah cukup
5 kali jirus air
lap berkali2 dengan tisu
sekali apply remover
this is my fav eyeliner! kalau tak ada eyeliner ni..tak mengancam lah mata cust fyna hehe
tecture di sangat2 creamy..sangat2 senang nak apply and the best part is..sangat2 susah nak remove! itu adalah pertanda yang terbaik sebab cust fyna ada macam2 jenis..ada yang kuat berpeluh..ada yang mata jenis kering..berminyak and so dengan adanya eyeliner ni..nah fyna dah tak perlu risau lagi..semua masaalah akan selesai
fyna dah buat experiment dengan air..lap dangan tisu..the color stay maintain..yang best nya the glitter pun maintain..
eyeliner ni hanya boleh diremove dengan remover sahaja ye..kalau korang duduk dalam hujan lebat sekali pun..eyeliner ni akan stay maintan..and if korang berpeluh ya amat pun..this eyeliner akan stay maintain
fyna berani syggestkan kat korang eyeliner ni sebab fyna sendiri guna untuk sesiapa ada masaalah eyeliner tak tahan lama atau sememeh..nah..try ini ye..insyallah problem solve
kiri warna black
kanan warna brown
so korang boleh nampak..warna hitam buatkan mata cantik..and lebih menonjol
warna brown pula buatkan mata korang nampak lebih lembut and natural
RM 24.90
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Disclaimer: I received the product reviewed from the company in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and may differ from yours.
wawhhh menariknyaa.. mcm best.. dah lme cari eyeliner yg tak tinggal kesan kt kelopak mata lps pakai lama.. thanks beautiful systa..
fuhh giler cantik colours tu, especially galaxy black! untungnya akak dapat 4, sye tengok org lain byk dapat 2 hihi :D
Bloobs Blurbs II
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