Wednesday, November 30, 2011

wednesday's quick tips : pore dissappear


 pore? oww dont worry fyna pon ada pore..normal la tu =P

so how to make pore dissappear using makeup?

after apply foundation..ambik loose powder/powder foundation/compact powder pon boleh..any powder lah ye


how to do?

use Loose Powder Puff or beauty sponge or sponge

dap a bit of product ( loose powder/press powder)

push powder to the pore..and keep pushing the product into the skin sampai pore tu mengecil and disappear (dan and tekan secara perlahan)

then you will see the different! 

btw sini ada video contoh fyna buat cara ini

tips from Wayne


ainul.zmrs said...

wahh good info akak :)

sayakayrulez said...

kak kecantikan ni..

sayakayrulez said...

cma adik hana tajima lak 2..

Ardini Humaira said...

dni ado jugak hehe pakai foundation tros ilang :D

Qa said...

wahh bestnye.. nak cari la mendek ni..hee

budak penjara said...

losyen lettew hehe

Unknown said...

kak fyna kalau nk kecilkan pores pakai skin care product pulak mcm mana eh instead if using pore strip.tq

Cik mama said...

Thanks for this info, bnyk juga tips dr blog fyna yg amat b'ksan, so many thx yerr dear.

Jemputlaa intai2 diblog sya.

Alya Haduri said...

wahh, thyanks for info. boleh cuba ni :D