Thursday, November 17, 2011

tutorial : Grecian Goddess Makeup Tutorial


gambar pembukaan hehe

this week fyna main warna yang soft-soft je kan..act makeup ni fyna nak jadikan mimi model fyna..tapi tak sempat so fyna makeup fyna sendiri..

yang fyna letak dekat dahi tu act digunakan untuk ikat langsir! hahaha..kreatif tak? =P

at 1st contact lense fyna pakai kira kira grey
tapi lepas habis makeup fyna tukar dengan fynale aurora green..nak nampak lebih soft and tambah hals lashes =)

nak beli lense ni..boleh beli dekat fyna ye ;D

the video

the product that i used

stay put
120 palatte - soft brown, medium brown, black, beige, bronze
elianto - black
maybelline hyperharp liner
maybelline cat eye mascara
14 baked blush
elianto Lipstick
elianto attraente lip gloss - dessert tanl

more picture

till then 


starzieti said...

cantiknye sis ! :D

NadyaBubble said...

mcm princess :D

Hiddy Asri said...


Mama Gee said...

perghh santeknyaa....tang bulu mata tu yg tak tahan tu....tergudaa u... ;)

esmiera said...

cantiknya fyna.. nampak sgt kelembutan tu... akak suka...

Izzati said...

Yeay! Finally kak fyna, nama die greecian goddess. ;)

Helga xoxo said...

fyna buat muke cmne pun, mekap tak mekap pun, fyna tetap nampak cantek :)

Tuan Leen said...

akak xnak buat tutorial tuk org klit gelap ke?heheh

ainul.zmrs said...

kak fyna mcm mna pun,mmg cantik.btw nak minta tlg akak vote kte.


shah said...


Qurratu Kushairi said...

Sukanya make-up kali ni, nampak sangat soft. Kalau kahwin nanti boleh panggil fyna kot? :DD #gatalnakkahwin

cik chinta said...

jrg nk tgk fyna senyum npk gg kn? nwy, mata cntik, blu mata pon cntik, wt revw psl bulu mata eh lnkali? boley?

fatin syamimi abdul rashid said...

sumpah awak sgt cantikkk :)

Aida Azryn said...

fyna cantik! weewitt! hihi. <3:D

Unknown said...

Kak Fyna yang dah macam Grecian goddess :P Cantik sangat! <3

nasha sanza said...

memang cantik sis! nak try la...

Global Products & Services Review said...

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Unknown said...

cantiknya kak fynaaaaaa!!!

cik chinta said...

fyna, jom join kontest ni. hadiah mekup dia sgt best tau. sgt kecewa nape fyna tak terpilih join, sbb fyna klo mekup pon pro ape. jom join fyna. tagged awk kat sni. mntau rezeki awk meng mekup2 dia :)

Aida Azryn said...

fyna kena tag! ;D


hai fyna.

tumpang iklan sini ya.

blouse, cardigan, pant & dress bawah rm50 termasuk postage.

happy shopping!!


MyOwnLife said...

kak fyna
nak tnya...
produk apa ea yg sesuai tuk kelembapan muka ni...

x tau la nak pilih produk pa yg ssuai..

a said...

cantik sangat!

Ardini Humaira said...

nak cube nak cubeeee!

Yaya Ijat said...

sue pn pakai! n also pixy two way cake :D but sue guna tawny beige

Siti Jamaluddin said...

lense wrne ape kak fyna pakai?cantikk!!